Monday, March 8, 2010

Still Surprising myself

Every time I have not run for a day or two I seem to doubt my ability to run at all. Don't know why - but even after being semi-regular it never ceases to amaze me that I can run easy as I step out the door and yesterday was a fine example of that.
Hadn't run on Thurs, Friday or Saturday and needed to get out Sunday to get some miles in. So Out the door mid afternoon I went with the two dogs planning to go out Glen Artney for '7 miles or so'. As I ran across the church car park it really did feel amazing to be moving and as the title suggests I still find it surprising.
So we ran across Dalginross bridge through 'sheeps and rockets' [as the kids call the woods on the south bank of the earn there - long story BTW] and out along the Ruchill to the opposite side of the Linn. There are few things to concentrate the mind as running through trees connected to two mad dogs on a Y lead. One always has to go the other side of a tree from the other for some reason.
From there it was up through the farm and on to the Glen Artey road. I have not been out that way for ages and forgot just how high the road is above the Strath floor. It was a long long climb for about 2 miles or so to the peak. Amazing how much snow is still up there and it is amazing that folk like Phil T manage to get to work at all I guess.
Time was limited so we ran out for just under 5 miles or so and headed back. Shaun, the Sheltie was getting a bit tired so I had to call in the mountain sheltie rescue service [Jo and the kids] to pick him up and give him a lift home. As They drove off Star, the collie went nuts and tried to chase the car home [with me attached by the lead]. Daft dog, but we had a good run home together going back the way we came and I even found myself running 8's on the way along the Ruchill. All this distance running is helping my speed too it seems as I now run long at around 132BPM instead of the 145ish BPM I used to run at at the start of the year.
This week the plan is to get to the magical 25mile mark for my long mid week run and to do 40+miles. I failed by a mile and a half or so this week to get in the 40miles and this week is going to be tricky too. It is Gregor's 5th birthday on Sunday along with mothers day and my folks are visiting then too and he is having his birthday party on the Saturday. If we get any time for anything I will be surprised!
I have to say though that my targets and weekly mileages are working well. It does help to have a 'I need to do another xx miles this week' to budge you along and it's getting close to the time when we will see if all this training has worked or not. I am now thinking of doing the Alloa 1/2M 'because I can' and I don't think that will affect my overall training. The big question of course, assuming I make my goal is what next?

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